No Crap In It Inhalers RGK RTS
No Crap In It Inhalers RGK RTS
How to use: place inhaler to each nostril and inhale deeply. Repeat as necessary.
Womanhood - feminine aroma that cools and soothes! Ingredients: frankincense, clary sage, ylang ylang. - Great for menopause, PMS, or hot flashes!
Happy Happy - uplifting scent to put a smile on your face! Ingredients: watermelon, bergamot, grapefruit
Happy Head - brings a quick boost of cooling and soothing for your head! - TOP SELLER Ingredients: himalayan sea salt, peppermint. - Great for headaches!
Pirate Oil - feel-good scent that to breathe clear and easy for immune and wellness support! Helps minimize the effects of seasonal threats! Ingredients: cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon, sweet orange. **NOT SAFE TO USE DURING PREGNANCY**
Breathe Easy - clear breathing for refreshing breathing experience, opening up your nose! Ingredients: peppermint + eucaluptus
Calm - may promote peace + calming. Great for anxiety! Ingredients: frankincense, lavender, grapefruit, cedarwood, sweet orange, lemon - TOP SELLER **NOT SAFE TO USE DURING PREGNANCY**
Energy - energizing scent that promotes good mood and clarity! Ingredients: peppermint, sweet orange, grapefruit!
Relax - calming scent that soothes and promotes awareness and a good mood! Ingredients: lemon, lavender, cedarwood.
Satisfied - brings a feeling of being satisfied with the food you have ate. may complement a healthy weight-management program! - TOP SELLER Ingredients: grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, peppermint.